The connection between regularity and human perception of sound is well-established. Regular vibrations, as found in pleasing musical sounds, are enjoyable to hear and evoke positive feelings, while irregular vibrations, such as those in noise, are unpleasant and can cause discomfort. Essentially, the cause of agreeability is regularity.
The concept of regularity is evident in the natural world, where it governs the movements of celestial bodies and the passing of time. Regularity also plays a role in human development, with the body being trained to adhere to regularity through various bodily functions, such as the beating of the heart. The nervous system responds positively to regular patterns and negatively to irregular ones, which can affect both physical and mental well-being. In summary, sounds that result from regular vibrations, such as pleasing music, are pleasing to the ear, while sounds resulting from irregular vibrations, such as noise, are unpleasant.
The regularity of a vibration determines whether it will be perceived as musical sound or noise. Regular vibrations, such as those found in pleasing musical sounds, are pleasing to the ear and are agreeable to a person’s feelings. In contrast, irregular vibrations, such as those found in noise, are disagreeable to the ear and do not evoke pleasant feelings. This is because adherence to regularity is associated with pleasure, while the absence of regularity is associated with pain.
Regularity is a fundamental aspect of nature, governing the movement of planets, the passing of time, and the growth and development of all living things. The human body is also trained to adhere to regularity through the pulsations of the heart and other bodily functions. The nervous system responds positively to regular impressions and negatively to irregular impressions, leading to feelings of convenience or inconvenience. Therefore, sounds that originate from regular vibrations, such as pleasing musical sounds, are pleasing to the ear, while sounds that originate from irregular vibrations, such as noise, are displeasing.