It’s interesting to note that the intensity of emotions is influenced by the strength of reflex actions within a person’s mind. Someone with a nervous disposition and weak willpower is highly affected by external stimuli and will experience emotions such as joy, love, anger, and hatred immediately. The sound of music can also affect them deeply. However, someone with a strong willpower and less sensitive nerves may be less emotional and more mechanical in their decision-making.
When a person has emotional and willpower balance, they tend to be well-balanced in their response to external stimuli. If their nervous substance is a poor conductor of emotion, they may absorb emotions, and their reflex actions may be slow and not positive. On the other hand, if their willpower is very strong and their nerve substance is a non-conductor of emotion, they may make mechanical decisions without much feeling or reflex action.

The struggle between willpower and nerve power can be represented by a quadrant, with the origin (O) and the line of increasing power (X) representing emotions and the line of increasing willpower (Y) representing willpower. When the willpower and nerve power are equal, the line OZ bisects the right angle (90 degrees) XOY, resulting in a well-balanced mind. As the line OZ moves towards OY, willpower becomes stronger and nerve power becomes weaker, resulting in a hard-hearted individual who can make strong decisions but lacks soft feelings. When the line moves towards OX, willpower becomes weaker and nerve power increases, resulting in a very emotional person who may be kind and softhearted.
The XOZ angle represents musical individuals, while the YOZ angle represents non-musical individuals. A person’s position in the quadrant determines their qualities, such as being good or bad or having the capacity to appreciate fine art.
According to this philosophy, some unmerciful dictators or rulers in world history may have been in the YOZ quadrant, while religious leaders fall into the category of the equilibrium line OZ. Their degree of softness may have made them resort to charitable deeds and helping people in need while also being strict in their decision-making, depending on whether their emotional line moves towards OX or OY.